How to import a group list for the Italian police file?

How to import a group list for the Italian police file?

To perform a group import, it will be necessary to scan the group leader's document.

Step 1:

Through the application, scan the client's document, and select it as a leader. This step is the most important, if you do not have a leader assigned to the booking, it will be impossible to assign the group even after you have imported it.

Step 2:

Once the customer profile is scanned, the second step is to import the group. We can access the "Booking Groups" section from the main section of the Workspace.

Step 3:

Using the "Add Group" button, you must create the group entry and compile the necessary information:


- Arrival date
- Departure Date
- Group identification name (Identifying information for the operator)
- Selection of the group leader customer that has been scanned previously. (All profiles configured as a group leader will appear in the drop-down menu, just select the correct one)

 *Make sure you exclude the leader from the list before importing the document.

Step 4:


Once the group entry is created, only the final step will remain, import the details of your Excel file into the Passportscan system, it is possible to do so by  the right side menu that incorporates the group interface.


- Edit Group: to edit the details of the group (How to assign a leader at a later time)
- Import Lines: to dump the excel file information to PassportScan.
- Delete Group: to delete the group


From "Import Lines" we offer our clients a pre-configured template so that agencies only have to compile the group data (You can download it if you click over the excel file logo), later the operator will only have to copy and paste the lines (including the structure of the first two lines) in the import box:


Finally, just click on "Save" to finish the import. It is possible to review the occupants of the group from the previous menu, where instead of "Import Lines" is now the list of members.

** In order to link the booking with the group, the "Group ID" field must be compiled in the reservation, if your PMS does not do it automatically, you can edit the booking, and just write the name of the group**

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