Check-in status in PassportScan

Check-in status in PassportScan

Check-In Status and how it works in PassportScan

  1. Mobile Application Check-In: When a client performs check-in through our mobile application, the scanning and signing process implicitly complete the check-in. This means that the client has physically checked in at the hotel.

  2. Self Check-In and Pre-Check-In: We offer a self check-in and pre-check-in system. When a client performs a self check-in independently, the data is updated both in Workspace and your PMS (Property Management System).

    Check-In Rules for Self Check-In: a. If the reservation's arrival date is today, the check-in time is automatically set. b. For check-ins on arrival, the check-in time is always shown in the APPs.

  3. Self Check-In in Advance:

    If the client performs self-check-in in advance of the arrival date, the hotel operator must activate the check-in manually upon the client's arrival at the hotel. This can be done from the "Arrivals" section using the dropdown menu for each client with the "Check-In" function.

  4. Important Note: Profiles without a check-in date will not be included in the police report. This feature prevents no-show profiles from being excluded from the police report, ensuring greater data accuracy and control.

By following these guidelines, our clients can efficiently manage check-ins using the PassportScan workspace, ensuring smooth operations and accurate reporting.

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