Booking Groups (Rooming List) - Tutorial English

Booking Groups (Rooming List) - Tutorial English

*Due to changes in our system logic, it is no longer possible to upload a group list days in advance. Instead, the file import date must align with the group's arrival date. In order to prepare groups in advance, we recommend working directly with the template available in the workspace and importing the file on the day of arrival or during the group leader's check-in.

Group import process/rooming list:

1 - To start with the process, we can import the booking, or start with the scanning process of the group leader's document.

2 - Since the "Booking groups" button no longer exists in the menu on the left, there are two ways to manage the import of the file:

Through the "Import Customers" button located in the drop-down menu of each one of your bookings:

Or also, from the inside of the reservation:

From "Imported":

It is possible to:

- Delete an imported group through the "Delete Imported Customers" button

- Individually modify or delete each one of the group's profiles.

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article and as a new functionality: the profiles imported through this functionality are created in the PassportScan database, so it will be possible to reuse those profiles through "Customers" to generate new arrivals through that profile.

Import Customers:

We offer the file in Microsoft Excel format. Although if you have any kind of problem with the format, it is possible to manage it from Google Sheet.

To import the file, it will be enough to copy the contents of the file excluding the header:

Once the group is associated within the booking, some requirements must be met for the group to be included in the police file:

- There must be a leader in that reserve
- The leader of said reservation must be checked-in:

- You can add a group in advance to a reservation, however, if there is no leader in that reservation, the group will not be reflected in the police file.

Filtering from "Arrivals":

Since the imported profiles are now created in the system, we have defined new filters from "Arrivals" section so that you can show/hide the imported profiles.

Changes details:

In order to guarantee and improve the group import service (rooming list), we have made modifications to the way PassportScan managed them.

The "Booking Groups" section has been deleted, and PassportScan Cloud now directly manages the groups linked to a reservation.
To start the import, the first step will be to scan the leader of the group. However, this does not prevent the early preparation of the Excel file with the group data. We put at your disposal an Excel file with applied automatisms that will automatically compile the city codes. Until today, this functionality was exclusive to Italy. However, we have eliminated some limitations to facilitate the work of our customers and be able to offer this service in any country.

For this reason, we have modified the file, incorporating the remaining optional fields that can be prepared in advance. Now, when importing an incomplete file, PassportScan will also proceed with the import of the data.

Unlike how it happened so far, each of these profiles will be created in the reservation as a linked profile and into PassportScan's database. This will allow the creation of arrivals with these same data in the future. In addition, it will offer the operator the possibility of correcting errors or empty fields from the profile, or carrying out police control for countries that already enjoy this function.
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