Opera side:
Step 1
Log in to Identity Management in Opera with an administrator user and click on "Manage"
Step 2
Click on Users
Step 3
Search for the PassportScan user. The user is always composed of the Tenant/Chain code+Vendor in this format: CHAIN_PASSPORTSCAN
The search parameter '%_PassportScan' should find the user.
Step 4
Step 5
Set a Manual Password or generate one automatically, the automatic generation of the Password will be received directly on the email bound to the user
Once you have received your password, you can follow the steps on the PassportScan side to restore the service:
PassportScan side:
Sign in to the workspace with an administrator user.
Step 1
Click the branch name button and select CURRENT BRANCH SETTING:
Step 2
From the top menu select INTEGRATION:
Step 3
Paste the new alphanumeric password into PASSWORD field and click SAVE: